The acourstic hotkey is an alternative approach to control hotkeys using rhythmic tapping. The project was originally an individual project for graduate level HCI class, and my current research expends on that and focuses on application of rhythmic tapping as interaction input techniques.
Code DemoResearch focused on enriching back-of-device interaction using fisheye cameras. Used Unity to generate large-scale synthetic fisheye images with different hand sizes, tilted angle, and lighting conditions, providing training data for future research.
CodeI am doing independent research in UVa Systems Engineering department. Current research focuses on using location data collected from wearable devices, applying image recognition and transfer learning techniques to characterize trajectories patterns and detect trajectory similarities.
A platform game developed using Pygame. The game was originally a final project for Intro to Programming class created together with a partner, and later added more features and animations by me. Key features included enemies, collectibles, scrolling level, and sounds effects.
View GithubROCA is a course observation application designed by the Education school and Engineering school at UVa. Last year, I was working on making design changes to the ROCA web interface in the UI team. Now I work on front-end for IOS development. Tools I use include: HTML, CSS, PHP, JS, and React Native.
Struggling with procrastination and want to get things done on time? Opened web browsers trying to do some works and then, BOMB, you are on Youtube or Netfix? Made a resolution a month ago and completely forgot about it? The customize home page aims as a self reflection tool, setting daily goals and communicate with past and future self.
A group project solving the Mountain Car problem from OpenAI Gym environments. We attempt to solve the problem with 1) approximate Q-learning via simple neural network, and 2) exact Q-learning algorithm. We then analyze performance, training time, and ease-of-use of the two approaches.
View GithubA skill matching website built with a team of 5. My role was testing manager, ensuring that the system is thoroughly tested, developing overall test plan, and spearheading beta testing. The project was developed using MVC framework and agile development. Tools include Git, Django, Heroku, and Travis-CI.
Visit websiteThis project was proposed as a calorie detection camera, using image recognition techniques to classify food and output corresponding calorie information. We used reduced-size Food 101 dataset as training data, applying transfer learning based on the pretrained AlexNet model to classify images.
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